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Opening the Circle

Closing the Circle



























Opening the Circle

Prepare the altar (light any incense or taper)

Mark the circle on the floor with cord

Place pillar candles on quarters (Starting East to North clockwise) on cording

Ready any wine(leave in bottle) and incense on altar.

Ring bell 3x

Hold Wand (or athemé), saying (or similar):

All Hail the Gods and Goddesses, Dionysus, Shiva and Woden , Artemis, Freya and Hecate!

I alert you to the building of this Temple.

Move out around altar, starting from EAST direction clockwise

Extending hand and wand at circle, (right shoulder to altar), walk perimeter, then turn away from circle, moving back to altar

Lay down wand and Ring bell once

Take up Dish of Salt, taking three pinches of salt and drop them in the water, stirring clockwise with finger ask god/dess to bless the mixture

Through the blessing of the Gods and Goddesses, may the life energies of the Salt join with the life force of Water to form a sacred union that will cleanse, guard and protect it in any way I shall use it.

Take up the sacred water and again go back clockwise starting form the EAST, sprinkling the sacred water along the length of the circle, concentrating on cleansing the circle.

Take up the censer, starting in the east again, setting the censer in the center of the altar once you walk the circle, concentrating on removing any negativity.

Taking lit taper in one hand, wand in the other, move out to the EAST QUARTER

Opening the Circle Cont’d

I ask that the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the (East, South, West, North) may guard this Sacred Circle and protect it from any negative force that may try to enter.

Scribe a pentagram in the air then proceed to the south scribing the pentagram as you go to each quarter.

Return to altar, ring the bell agin three more times. The circle is now erected. You are now between the worlds, with no negativity to intrude.

Standing in front of the Altar, take up wand and say:

Gods and Goddesses, Dionysus, Shiva and Woden , Artemis, Freya and Hecate! I invite you to join me in this sacred spacer. Please unite with me and witness these rites I perform in your honor. Be with me and guide me and guard me in all things I do. So mote it be.

Lower your wand, place on altar. Pour wine into goblet then raise in salute saying:


Gods and Goddesses, Dionysus, Shiva and Woden , Artemis, Freya and Hecate!

Pour some of wine into libation dish, from the goblet, saying


To the Gods! Then drink.*


The circle has now been cast. Proceed with Healing, Magick, Giving thanks, asking a boon or celebrating a Sabbat.

Complete Ritual.

Close Circle.

After you have finished with ritual, when circle is closed, take the libation dish outside and pour the offering into the ground or compost heap saying again To the Gods! Last resort pour in potted dish, window box and complete last resort, the sink, always saying To the Gods!



Closing the Circle

Stand before the altar, facing the east and ring the bell three times, raise your wand and say:



Hail, Dionysus, Shiva and Woden , Artemis, Freya and Hecate, mighty ones! This Circle is now brought to an end. I thank you for attending and for witnessing these Rites. As we came together in peace and love so let us leave in peace and love. Merry did we meet, Merry may we part. And merry may we meet again. So Mote It Be!



Kiss your wand,

Extinguish the candles on the altar

Cross to the east point and extend your arm outward, thrusting your wand through the invisible wall of the circle.

Extinguish other candles and generally move about and clean up.

The circle is now closed.


It’s not necessary to de-construct the circle in reverse as you made it. Once the announcement has been made , the gods have been thanked, so the ritual circle is no more, and the "door" to the worlds has been closed.

* After you have finished with ritual, when circle is closed, take the libation dish outside and pour the offering into the ground or compost heap saying again To the Gods! Last resort pour in potted dish, window box and complete last resort, the sink, always saying To the Gods!

Initiation (recommended to be done alone and naked)

Have a small anointing dish of oil on the altar.

Ring the bell nine times, (three sets of three with a brief pause between each set)

Take up the oil and dip into it with index finger.

Draw a cross inside a circle on the center of forehead, in the position of the third eye.

Draw a pentagram over your heart.

Touch oil to genitals, right breast, left breast, genitals (in the shape of a triangle).

Replace oil on altar

Pick up wand and hold high in salute and say.

Gods and Goddesses, I am here a simple seeker of knowledge, a lover of life. I here dedicate myself to you and to your service. You are the ones I have chosen to serve. I do this of my free will and with no pressure from any other. Guard me and guide me in all that I do, for all that I do is in love of you and all of life. Help me live my life with harm to none. Help me to acknowledge the depth of beauty of all life, animal, vegetable and mineral. The animals the birds, fish, reptiles, and all living things are my brothers and sisters. The trees of the forest, the plants, flowers, herbs, and all growing things are my brothers and sisters. The rocks soil sand the rivers, lakes, seas, all waters of the earth and that is of the earth are my brothers and sisters. Make me one with this family. Let me guard them and work for them as they all work for me.

Lord and Lady, this day forth I accept and will ever abide by the Wiccan Rede: ‘An it harm none, do what thou wilt.' I pledge myself to you, the gods. I will always protect you and you do me. I will defend you against those who speak ill of you. You are my life and I am yours. So Mote It Be!



Initianion Con’t

Lower your wand, ringing the bell three times.

Raise up the goblet of wine, saying: To the Gods!

Pour a little wine into the libation dish (your offering to the gods) saying:

As this wine drains from the cup, so let the blood drain from my body should I ever deliberately do anything to harm the gods or those in kinship with their love. So Mote it be.

Drink to the gods. Draining the cup isn’t needed, however always pour more into the libation dish after you drink.) Replace goblet on altar

Keeping both hands high in salute. Say:

As a sign of my being born again into the life of Witchcraft, I take upon myself a new name, by which I shall be known within the Sacred Circle, which is a place between the worlds. Henceforth I shell be know as (Witch Name) . So Mote It Be!

Lower arms and Ring bell three times

Hold wand over the altar and say:

Now I consecrate this , the true tool of a Witch. It has all the powers of an athemé. I here consecrate it, so that it may be properly used within this Circle and in the service of the gods.

Sprinkle some of the water on the wand then hold it in the smoke of the incense.

I cleanse and consecrate this my magickal wand that it may serve me as I serve the Lord and the Lady. May it be my strength and my love and may It never be used in anger nor to harm and one or anything. So Mote it Be!

Draw a pentagram in the air with the wand and lower it. Now sit and meditate on whatever the craft means to you and at this time you may receive some indication that the gods that you are indeed on touch with them, some sight or sound or inner feeling. Whether you do or not, relax.

"It's better to die on your feet, then live on your knees."-